Crom Cruach
The first time I came across Crom Cruach was in an episode of the classic show ‘Robin of Sherwood’ the episode was titled (perhaps not surprisingly) Cromm Cruac. I thought he was a very interesting antagonist, so I put him in my pocket. Years later I ran into this supernatural wrong ‘un again, this time in the excellent movie ‘The Secret of Kells.’
Crom Cruach is a Celtic deity, a hunched, bloody god, who promises fine harvests and healthy cattle, but relishes in blood and destruction. He is usually described as a giant wyrm or serpent sometimes with just one great eye.
Historically he was worshipped in Ireland, until that fine country drove his followers from their shores. He seems to have demanded the sacrifice of his worshippers first born children. So not a very nice fellow.
He is an antagonist in ‘Fireside Horror’ but detecting his presence in some of the stories will require an observant reader.
If you would like a copy of ‘Fireside Horror’ click on one of the links below.
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Crom Cruach the Hunched God