The Characters

Having recently lost her husband and Daughter in a terrible accident, Elspeth has decided to reinvent herself as a folklorist and moves to the Shropshire University Town of Wendlelow. But Wendlelow is an Old Town, and those exploring its myths and legends might find more than they bargained for.

Elspeth Mcginnity

Disowned by his father, Nolan Perkins (Perky to his friends) has found employment with his cousin Elspeth, helping her produce a book on Folklore. But is he prepared for what they will uncover

Nolan Perkins

Isobel Tailor

Elspeth’s deaf, mute housemaid, despite her challenges Isobel is both competent and brave.

Baltus Whiskerfisker is the head librarian at Wendlelow University. It is an old Library, and few people fully understand the depths of the secrets it hides.

Baltus Whiskerfisker