Folklore – Ghosts and Legends of Alderley Edge.

The Wizard, carrying a weird looking stone.

The Village of Alderley Edge can be found in the North-west county of Cheshire in England. It lies at the edge of a sandstone escarpment, covered in woodland. An area of great natural beauty, it has wonderful views over the Cheshire plain, referred to as ‘The Edge’ – An Edge is a descriptive term, used in Cheshire and the neighbouring counties to label areas of high land.

Alderley Edge has a long history of copper mining dating back to the Bronze Age, that continued off and on unit the 1920’s. There are quite a few legends associated with the edge, stories of the devil, sleeping knights and spectral figures, drench the landscape.

Many people report seeing the ghost of a short old man with a white beard, running close to the road (the B5087) apparently completely naked! One police officer told of seeing this spectral figure. The brave man approached him, only for the unclothed octogenarian to vanish into thin air.

The ‘Devils Grave’ is a cave located, at stormy point - a rock formation overlooking the north-east slope of Alderley Edge. Legend has it that if one runs about it widdershins (anti-clockwise) three times, Old Nick will appear before you. In another version it is possible to resort your virginity by performing the same action.

Travellers wandering the edge can refresh themselves at a well spring, above which is a carving of a bearded face, said to be that of a Wizard, his story is perhaps the most well-known - with various pubs and tea rooms being named after him - and is given below.

Once upon a time, a farmer from Mobberley was on his way to Macclesfield Market to sell a white mare. The horse was the finest of his stock, and he was sure that he could get a good price at the market.

As he passed by the steep sandstone cliffs that make up Alderley Edge, he was stopped by an old man of noble stature with a white beard, and clothes that seemed to belong to an earlier period of history. The old man asked if the farmer would sell his horse to him for a fair price. The farmer refused, hoping that he could get a better price for such a fine animal at the market.

Once at the bustling market it seemed as though he had been bewitched. Although his animal was admired and commented on, not a single offer was made, although lesser animals were sold quickly for good prices.

Dejected the farmer set off back to Mobberley, as he passed Alderly Edge the same old man appeared and asked if he could buy the horse. The farmer agreed and the wizard motioned him to follow, he led the farmer through the trees to the foot of the sandstone cliffs that make up the edge. The wizard touched the rock with his staff, and the rock parted with a thunderous sound to reveal a huge cavern. The old man led the farmer inside the earth reassuring him not to be afraid.

The farmer could not believe his eyes, for inside the cavern hundreds of armour clad warriors lay in a deathly sleep. Every warrior bar one had a white horse standing next to him. The old man (who seemed to be a wizard of great power) explained that the host was ready and waiting for the day when their countrymen would need them, then they would arise and fight to save the country. The wizard led on to a pile of gold and jewels, and told the farmer to take his fill as payment for his mare.

The farmer grabbed a handful of golden coins and jewels, stuffed them into his pockets and walked out through the opening into the bright sunlight. The farmer, overwhelmed by his strange experience, set off running as the rock closed with a dull thud behind him. Although he tried, he could ever find the door again.

The legend of Alderley Edge inspired the work of local author Alan Garner, when he wrote his novel ‘The Weirdstone of Brisingamen’ a wonderful book, which can be enjoyed by adults and children alike. I have attached a link to it below. Until next time, thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Stay spooky friends.



Ghosts and Legends of Glamis Castle


Ghostly Folklore - The Spectral Beast of Carew Castle.