Ghostly Folklore - The Spectral Beast of Carew Castle.
The Spectral Beast…
In the countryside of South Wales, in the County of Pembrokeshire, lies the ancient fortress of Carew Castle. Although originally a Norman stronghold, it has a great many differing architectural styles as, over the years, each generation sought to leave their mark upon it. The north face of the castle dominates the Carew River, and is a striking sight.
Historians believe the area has been used for military purposes for over two thousand years. It is therefore of no surprise to learn that a lot of strange tales have built up around it. A white Lady has been seen drifting from room to room, thought to be the spirit of the Welsh heroine, Princess Nest. In what used to be the kitchen visitors have encountered the ghost of a boy, believed to be responsible for the sound of clanking pots and pans. And the Undercroft is said to be haunted by the shade of a Celtic Warrior.
But the most unusual and terrifying phantom of Carew Castle is that of a Beast. A vicious Barbary Ape, which lurks in one of the castles towers. Appearing to the unsuspecting on dark and stormy nights. His tale goes something like this.
In the 17th century, the castle was occupied by Sir Roland Rhys, a well-travelled man who had visited the Barbary Coast and brought back with him an injured ape that he had rescued from a wrecked Spanish galleon. He was able to train this devoted pet to respond to his every wish with a series of whistles.
Now Sir Roland had one son who ran off with the daughter of a local merchant, not a union of which Sir Roland approved. One fateful night a storm was brewing. The wind screamed around the castle and the rain lashed at the windows. The ape was restless, sensing Sir Roland was in an evil mood.
There came a knock at the door and the girl’s father, a man by the name of Horwitz, demanded admittance, distressed and upset that his daughter had run away with Sir Roland’s son. The men had a fierce argument, during which the Master of Carew released the ape from its chains and ordered it to kill Horwitz.
The merchant fought off the ape and, although badly injured, managed to drag himself from the room. He shouted to the servants for help, and they tended to him. Horwitz cursed Sir Roland and, as he did, piercing screams were heard coming from the tower room. The servants, who were terrified of their lord and his pet, were unwilling to find out what had happened.
It was not until first light the following morning that they summoned up the courage to enter the silent room. There, lying in a pool of blood lay the body of Sir Roland, throat torn out, but of the ape there was no sign.
This brutal beast is still seen in the tower to this day, with the latest witness being a teenage girl, who fled screaming from the room. When she had eventually calmed down enough she claimed to have seen the Ape in the fireplace, snarling at her.
I hope you enjoyed this chilling tale, if you did please consider purchasing a copy of my book ‘Fireside Horror,’ it is full of terrifying stories and mysteries, it is available from Amazon and Audible, link below. Until next week, stay spooky my friend.